7 health benefits of paneer /cottage cheese

1. Rich In Protein
Cottage cheese is a dense source of protein
Other than iron, almost all essential minerals like calcium and magnesium are present in cottage cheese. cottage cheese derived out of cow’s milk is one rich source of protein you can load up on. cottage cheese it does not require any cooking and can be consumed directly. A cube of raw paneer therefore makes for a powerhouse of protein.

2. Cottage Cheese Strengthen Bones And Teeth
Cottage cheese is one of the best sources of calcium. It can fulfil 8% of the daily recommended value. 100 grams of cottage cheese has a whopping 83 grams of protein. Adequate calcium levels ensure healthy bones, teeth, healthy heart muscles and smooth nerve functioning too.

3. Maintains Blood Sugar Levels
Cottage cheese can help regulate blood sugar levels too. Cottage cheese is packed with magnesium which Ensures better heart health and immune system. The high protein component of paneer also helps slow release of sugar into the blood and prevents abrupt hike and decline in blood sugar levels.

4. Good For Heart Health
Cottage cheese can do wonders for your heart health too. Paneer contains potassium which has been known to play a key role in fluid balance of body. The kidneys play a crucial role in managing the blood pressure by controlling the amount of fluid stored in the body. The idea is simple, the more the fluid, the more the pressure. Potassium not only helps regulate the ideal fluid balance but also negate the effects of too much salt. However one has to make sure that the paneer is not too salty. The excess sodium in the cottage cheese can wreak havoc on your heart health. Potassium and sodium both are electrolytes, but potassium does the fluid balancing job without the common side-effects of sodium.

5. Improves Digestion
Cottage cheese helps with  digestion. Cottage cheese has decent amount of phosphorous which helps in digestion and excretion. The magnesium present in cottage cheese can also prevent constipation. Magnesium has a laxative effect. Which means it draws water into the stools, making them softer and easier to pass through the intestinal walls.

6. Rich Source Of Folate
Folate is a B-complex vitamin which is very essential for pregnant women. Folate helps fetal development in
expecting mothers. Apart from this, folate plays a crucial part in red blood cells production too.

7. Boosts Weight Loss
The protein dense cheese can keep you satiated for long and keep the hunger pangs at bay. In addition to being rich in protein, paneer is also a rich source of conjugated linoleic acid.

Add it to your salads, gravies or have them raw but make sure you don’t miss out on the incredible health benefits of your favourite paneer.

Standard Paneer is an associate company of Evergreen sweets from New Delhi serving for the last 5 decades. It is vacuum packed Fresh Malai Paneer with a shelf life of 20 days
Fresh Malai Paneer offered by us has following attributes:

➢ 100% vegetarian
➢ No preservatives
➢ No adulteration
➢ Made from fresh buffalo milk
➢ Made of pure milk solids. Citric acid is used for coagulation of milk to form pure Malai paneer.
➢ The Fresh Malai Paneer should be stored in chiller tray of the refrigerator and not in the freezer
➢ Once the Fresh Malai paneer vacuum pack is opened, it should be stored in a vessel filled with water above the paneer surface and kept in refrigerator to retain freshness. The water can be changed every 24 hours. Paneer can stay up to 5 days after opening the pack and following above advice or till the date of expiry mentioned on the pouch whichever is earlier.

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