5 Simple And Effective Steps to Nurture Your Home Garden

It’s great to fall in love with nature and want to bring a bit of it to the insides of our homes. However, this love can pose a big problem if the plants you lovingly brought and on whom you spent quite the fortune start dying on you!

“Can I manage to not kill my plants?”

This is a question that plagued me often in the past.

I went from a bachelor with zero interest in plants to someone who at one point had a minimum of 200 plants. This was a decade long journey and in this article, I’m going to share how I have become the confident, happy and worry-free (well, almost!) plant parent that I am today.

So, how do I not kill my houseplants?

Rule 1:

Get out, head to the nursery, get chatty!

In many ways, the nursery journey is the foundation step to getting not just healthy plants but also the ‘right’ plants. Today, I can purchase my plants online or go the traditional way and head to a nursery to see, touch and feel the plants I want to buy. I choose to visit and talk to the people at the nursery, I tell them my needs, the light I get and ask them what plants are suitable for me and my home. Then I check to see if the plant I’m picking is at optimal health, I check for any bug infestations and the roots for root rot. I also ask about watering requirements. This way, I bring home life that can thrive and not necessarily just survive.

Photo by Gary Barnes from Pexels

Rule 2:

Light, light, action!

It’s amazing the number of videos and content out there that talks about plants that can survive in zero or extremely low light conditions. However, to be blunt, most plants usually need some form of light, the intensity can of course vary but they all need light. I’ve also come to understand that different plants need varying levels of light and hence different parts of my home can be ideal for each. At optimal light conditions, they not just stay alive, but continually produce new foliage and flowers. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Rule 3:

To underwater or overwater or water just right!?

The truth is I’ve gone overboard with both sides of the spectrum, I’ve overwatered my plants and also underwatered my plants, in both cases I’ve successfully managed to kill them! Like light, each plant has its own watering requirements and this is something to ask at the nursery as well. In my experience, drought-tolerant plants have come home only to shrivel because they’ve been accustomed to a more frequent watering schedule at the nursery. I also do research online for each type of plant and write out individual watering requirements on a post-it note on my plant. This ensures I get it right in the initial days and soon becomes part of the plant care routine. Also, I’ve learned that when I water, I should do so thoroughly, until I see water leaking out at the bottom. 

Photo by Teona Swift from Pexels

Rule 4:

Always pot plants in containers with drainage holes!

This simple rule has helped me save so many plants of mine as I learned how to care for them. They also helped me brave extreme seasons of rain. If the water drainage is good, it can give you the confidence to water thoroughly without having to worry about root rot, which is a silent killer! There are several kinds of containers; usually, nursery pots are plastic, which while not great looking do come with drainage holes, but plastic pots also mean moisture is retained for longer. There are cost-effective options such as terracotta or clay pots with drainage holes, these are very good at absorbing excess water as they are porous, but this means a more regular watering schedule in hot environments. 

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

Rule 5:

Try natural pesticides and fertilisers

If you are someone who is struggling with your plant care journey don’t complicate it further with chemical pesticides and fertilisers that can often do more harm than good. Stick to neem or horticulture oil for pests alongside good old soap water and fish emulsion, compost and seaweed solution as fertiliser options. 

Hope these simple yet effective tips help you feel more happy and confident on your plant care journey as it has been in mine!

Photo by Amina Filkins from Pexels

Anusha Ramakrishnan

Anusha is a plant lover and decor enthusiast. She talks about gardening, DIY home decor and interior styling on her youtube channel ‘NestArtfully’.
Contact – nestartfully@gmail.com

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